The chemical in this compound called cannabidiol (CBD) is a potent anti-inflammatory agent. It belongs to a large class of compounds called cannabinoids. These cannabinoids are found in many industrial and agricultural products, like hemp and cannabis, and in edible foods such as chocolate bars, energy drinks, and soft drinks. CBD can be used to make medicines. CBD has been used successfully to treat children with epilepsy and some types of cancer.
The body produces its cannabinoids, and these cannabinoids fit into receptors found in your cells. The most abundant cannabinoid found in the body is called anandamide (N-ar-a-day-deen-amide). This chemical also is responsible for regulating your emotions. Your brain, heart, liver, and other organs have their particular cannabinoid that helps regulate how they function and how you feel. The human body cannot produce anandamide on its own, so all cannabinoids are made from a precursor called the amino acid tyrosine or tryptophan (try-to-fane). The process is called biosynthesis. This pathway also can create endocannabinoids as well as some terpenes and flavonoids, but anandamide is the most abundant and active cannabinoid. CBD Oil Canada | Buy Pure and organic CBD products at CBDNorth, and you will see good results.
Your body makes anandamide through the enzyme Cbl-A (CB1) after activating the binding with the endocannabinoid 2-AG (2-a-g). The molecule 2-AG is produced in a gland called the adipose tissue or fat, which is found in your stomach, liver, and other organs. The body also makes another molecule called arachidonic acid that binds to cannabinoid receptor sites in your brain where you feel pain and mood changes.