What type of cancer is a colon cancer?

colon cancer

The big intestine is where colon cancer typically first manifests itself (colon). Small, benign cell clusters called polyps commonly grow on the interior of the colon as the first signs of the condition. Some of these polyps may eventually develop into colon cancer. Small polyps may have few, if any, colon cancer symptoms. Because of this, medical professionals advise routine screening exams to help prevent colon cancer by locating and eliminating polyps before they develop into cancer. There are numerous treatments available to help control colon cancer if it does develop, including surgery, radiation therapy, and medication treatments such chemotherapy, targeted therapy, and immunotherapy. If you have colon cancer and want a colonoscopy, then you can visit Curasia.

Colon cancer symptoms and signs include:

Colon cancer may be undetected in its early stages. As a result, it’s crucial to be checked when you turn 50. It is advised to get screened early if you are at a higher risk. Typically, colon cancer signs and symptoms develop after the tumour has grown or spread into the tissues or organs in the area. Some typical signs and symptoms of this include:

  • Unaccounted-for weight loss Investigate weight loss that seems to be occurring for no apparent reason. Vomiting and nauseousness are other possible symptoms.

colon cancer

  • weakness or drowsiness Another indication of colon cancer is weakness or exhaustion. Low red blood cell count may also be seen along with weakness or weariness. Constipation or diarrhoea that is ongoing or intermittent can signal a change in bowel habits. Additionally, the consistency of your faeces may have changed.
  • abdominal bleeding Another sign of colon or rectal cancer is blood in your stool or on it. The blood may be bright red, the faeces may be tarry, brick red, or black.
  • stomach pain that does not go away. Constipation can cause cramps, gas, or pain in the abdomen. You can also get a partial bowel sensation. Additionally, you can feel full or bloated.

If the cancer has already spread to other bodily areas, you may also suffer other symptoms like:

  • Breathlessness is a symptom of lung cancer that has spread.
  • Jaundice is a symptom of liver cancer that has progressed to the organ.
  • If the cancer has progressed to the bone, it will cause bone discomfort.
  • Numerous colon cancer symptoms could be brought on by other health issues. However, it is advised that you visit your doctor right away if you experience any of the before mentioned symptoms.